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Racing Cars; Richard Hough. Illustrated history from first race cars thru modern GP cars. Fwd by Jim Clark. pub 1966 152 pg (30_Hough)
$19.95 |
History of the World's Sports Cars by Richard Hough Illustrated 223 page hard cover covering first race cars thru 60's GP cars (30_SportH)
$19.95 |
Touring by Anselmi (50_Touring)
$599.95 |
10-67 Le Grandi Alfa Romeo by L. Fusi Alfas most important cars large format book ITALIAN text full page colour prints by D. Nardiello, with annotated technical drawings technical specification & competition history for each model (55_10282)
$499.95 |
Pininfarina Sixty Years by Sergio Pininfarina 282 hardbound pages 1930-1990 (60_88879110686)
$129.95 |
Batsford Colour Book of Vintage Cars by Barron and Tubbs (60_VintageCars)
$19.95 |
70th anniversary book of Pininfarina 308 hardbound pages official factory publication by Antoine Prunet Art & Industry 1930-2000 (65_H684)
$89.95 |
Volume 03, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Alfa Romeo Bertone Cunningham and more... (B20_AQVol03Iss4)
$13.95 |
Alfa Romeo Pocket History by G Garcia 66 page history (30_AlfaGarcia)
$14.95 |
Alfa Romeo door in memory die nosti sogni in both English & Italian photo documentary of the Portello factory by Bertolis (40_Bertolis)
$159.95 |
Best In Show Italian Cars Masterpieces from the Lopresto Collection hardcover 203+xii pages Large format book featuring Alfa Romeo Lancia Fiat & others (9788857226897)
$89.95 |
Vintage & Veteran Cars Britain America Europe by P Hendry hard cover hsitory covering Alfa Romeo Mercedes Citroen Lancia & more (35_VinVetHend)
$19.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 1 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models AA thru AU including AC Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Adler Allard Alpine Alvis Amilcar Auburn Austin Abarth and more (40_WOA_V01)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo Truck History from 1914 thru 1988 in English & Italian hardcover 112 pages 165 illustraitions Camion by Massimo Condolo (50_39305)
$199.95 |
Alfa Romeo Ferrari by M. Rainey 116pg (40_Alfa_Ferrari)
$599.95 |
1910-1985 Museo Alfa Romeo Catalogue Sales Brochure visitor guide for Alfa Romeo Museum 32 pages fully illustrated Text in English & Italian (475_Museo_Romeo)
$23.95 |
Le Alfa Romeo do Vittorio Jano by Fusi & Ferrari & Borgeson 255 pages in ITALIAN (50_Fusi_Jano)
$799.95 |
Pininfarina: Study & Research: 96 pgs by Felicioli: a contemporary study of the Pininfarina culture and design process (68_129107C)
$49.95 |
Alfa Romeo Jahrbuch #5 in GERMAN (B05_37317)
$19.95 |
10-86 Identification guide for Alfa Romeo; 192 pgs hardcover by Tabucchi with photos, Tech data, and production figures for each model (55_131691AE)
$159.95 |
Alfa Romeo Jahrbuch #2 in GERMAN (B02_37316)
$19.95 |
The Classic Twin Cam Engine: 275 pages hardcover by G. Borgeson (60_30883)
$229.95 |
1890-1969 A History of Sports Cars by GN Georgano Hardcover 320 pgs (30_SportsCarHis)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo Catalogue Raissonne (50_8885880037)
$499.95 |
Spirit of Milan: a History of Alfa Romeo by D.G. Styles 218 hardbound pages (60_S19582)
$129.95 |
Sporting Saloons of Alfa Romeo by J. Tipler; 160 pages of history of Alfa Romeo Berlina Sedans from the 20's through the 90's (60_S20785)
$39.95 |
Alfissimo! - David Owen - Alfa Romeos - 1900 Giulietta Giulia Alfetta - (79_Alfissimo)
$49.95 |
Catalogue Alfa Romeo Museum: 160 hardbound pages documenting the history of the company and very thoroughly documents it's many products: edited by G. Madaro in English and Italian (40_CataARMuseum)
$139.95 |
Imported car spotters guide by Tad Burness full of illustrations to identify all the cars. (50_InterSpotter)
$49.95 |
Zagato: Masterpieces of Style by L. Greggio 208pgs (609788879116701)
$74.95 |
Alfa Romeo Cuore Sportivo 320 pages hardcover by L. Ardizio in ITALIAN language (67_Alfa_Cuore - Not a shop manual)
$99.95 |
Ferrari & Alfa Romeo Campioni del Mondo by Casucci in Italian Language (80_FerrariAlfa)
$69.95 |
Zagato: 2-volume history in slipcase for 1919-2000 in English & Italian (60_31680A)
$299.95 |
Franco Scaglione Designer 103 pages in English & Italian featuring the work of Scaglione including Fiat Lancia Siata Arnolt Alfa Romeo Stanguellini Abarth Osca Maserati Ferrari Aston Martin Lamborghini Bristol NSU ATS & more (66_Scaglione)
$1,999.95 |
Alfa Romeo Legends Osprey Classic Marques by Sparrow & Tipler 128 page history with numerous color photos (51_AlfaOspreyCM)
$34.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Alfasud & Alfetta GT the Complete Story by D Styles 192 page hard cover history (60_Alfa_Styles)
$49.95 |
Effetto Alfa Romeo Special Dealer only item issued in 1982 about the earlier times of Alfa Romeo and the society around it (82_T_896)
$89.95 |
10-93 model cars of Alfa Romeo featuring 550 models; 160 pages in English & Italian by P. Rampini (50_Alfa_Modelli)
$159.95 |
History of Alfa Romeo by Evan Green: 112 hardbound pages published 1976 in Australia with many color illustrations (60_ARHistory_EG)
$34.95 |
Alfa Romeo Magazine set of 4 issues totaling 248 pages on the factory, the cars, and the history; italian text. (80_AlfaMagazine)
$39.95 |
The essence of beauty: 120 pages produced by Alfa Romeo on the occasion of an exhibit celebrating their cars (52_EssenceOBeau)
$59.95 |
Zagato by Michele Marchiano 70 years in the fast lane (65_Zagato)
$189.95 |
Berlinettas - Classic Coupes of Yesterday and Today - by Jean-Paul Thevenet and Peter Vann (87_Berlinettas)
$29.95 |
At the Limit Twenty One Classic Cars That Shaped a Century of Motor Sport Racing by N Mason 176 page hard cover book featuring Panhard Ferrari Porsche Alfa Romeo Jaguar & more classic racing cars (44_LimitRacing)
$49.95 |
Alfazioso by G. Salvetti Alfa Romeo Curiosities in both English & Italian 120 pages hardcover (65_36756)
$169.95 |
Alfa Romeo History by D. Owen: 80 oversized color pages, hardbound, of the Great Marques series. OUT-OF-PRINT (45_ARHistoryOwe)
$24.95 |
10-70 Alfa Grand Prix Cars: first among champions: 272 hardbound pages by D. Venables. History of Alfa Romeo Grand Prix cars & efforts from 1910-1970's (40_H631)
$159.95 |
Alfa Romeo Tradition: 207 quality hardbound pages by the Automotive historian Grffith Borgeson emphasizing the talented and creative personalities that made the Alfa Romeo mystique - OUT OF PRINT history book (45_ARTradition)
$49.95 |
Sports Cars the Fastest Sleekest Cars of All Time hard cover history featuring Alfa Romeo Renault Austin Healey Chevrolet Datsun De Tomaso Ferrari Fiat Jaguar Lamborghini Lotus Mazda MGB Nissan Pontiac Porsche Toyota Triumph & more (45_Sports)
$14.95 |
Fantastic Alfa Romeo, by Luciano Greggio. 208 pages. (55_122965AP)
$39.95 |